Please contact Historic Columbus for details at 706-322-0756.
Applying for a New Historic Marker
The sponsor is typically tasked with developing the text for the marker and Historic Columbus along with a review committee will work to verify and revise the text if necessary. Typically markers cost around $2250-$2450 (that does include the post). Cost varies on the amount of text and if there are any images incorporated into the layout. Once the text and layout is approved by the applicant and sponsor we receive an estimate from the casting company. The sponsor will then write a check to Historic Columbus for the amount of the marker plus a $100 administrative fee. We handle the coordination with the casting company, shipping, receiving and coordinate the installation with the sponsor. The sponsor is responsible for handling the installation (just requires post hole diggers and a 80 bag of concrete). We do need to clear the installation location with the City if it is installed on City right of way.
Normally, once the approved text is sent to the casting company it takes about 60-90 days to arrive here at Historic Columbus.
To start the application process, please review and fill out the Historic Marker Application.